When looking for an onsite mobile batching plant for producing concrete, preparing road base materials, or using mining waste to paste fill, you’ll be presented with many choices. If you’re looking for one that can store and extract aggregate materials, then you won’t go wrong with a Sami mobile plant – after all, it was one of the first mobile batching plants to enter the market. But would the Sami T2, T3 or T4 best suit your needs? It all depends on your production requirements.
Why choose a Sami mobile plant?
Sami mobile plants are ideal choices for when your business needs a compact and mobile automated system that can be installed in moments. As it doesn’t require its mechanical parts to be disassembled and reassembled, it can be frequently used in situations where space is limited, or for spaces that cranes can’t access. The mobile plant can be configured to most silos, and requires no anchoring to stay in place.
Is the T2, T3 or T4 best for my business’s needs?
Whether you choose the Sami T2, T3 or T4, will depend on the volume of storage tank that you require for your project. Each tank bin will have a capacity of 4.5m³, which means that depending on your choice, storage will range between 16m³ to 32m³, with installed power configurationsbetween10kW to 16kW, and hopper configuration from 2 to 4.These are the only real differences between each plant, and all three types have the same small dimensions so that they can be easily transported to and from sites.Better yet, they can also hydraulically lift materials up to 3.4 metres for loading onto trucks.
Other features to look forward to
With the only difference between each plant lying in its capacity for storage, you can look forward to the same features on anyone you choose. For example, no matter which machine you end up using, you’ll be able to weigh and tally what each bin is carrying, and each machine will have an automatic cleaning system on the bucket belt to reduce the amount of residual debris produced.
These are just some of the features that the Sami T2, T3 or T4 have to offer. To find out more about ordering one for your business, get in touch with Batchcrete today.
Related Tag: Mobile Concrete Plants